Meet Lucy and Saylor

To us, dogs are special members of our family. 

Lucy Black Labrador

Black Labrador Lucy is our head of puppy licks and home welcoming committee. Her favourite pastimes include walks on the beach and swimming. She also enjoys unwrapping presents, regular belly rubs and spending time with family. She sulks at the sight of suitcases, and can’t stand mushrooms or spinach (but eats anything else - in true Labrador style!). 
Lucy shares her home with an ever expanding cat family which proves to be a full time job, especially ensuring those all important belly rubs are evenly distributed among all fur-babies in the house.

“Cats are exhausting! Why do they keep multiplying around here?, their food smells so good (and apparently I am not allowed to eat it) and then there’s the security work I’m expected to do to maintain the peace between them all. Anyway that’s enough about them…Have you heard I like belly rubs?” - LUCY


Saylor, Lucy’s daughter, isn’t just stupidly cute, she means business. Dinner is her everything. A natural leader, she excels at training her humans, particularly in the highly important matter of ‘meal time scheduling’. Her favourite pastimes include family walks, the beach, people, belly rubs and a good old game of tug of war. Her pet hates include social distancing and when her humans fail to observe strict meal times. 

“Meal times are easily the most exciting and dramatic moment of my day. I’m living for the ‘will she, won’t she’ be on time today, as the clock strikes breakfast o’clock. Actually come to think of it, it’s time for a snack…” - SAYLOR 


We might be biased (we definitely are!) but we think Lucy and Saylor are Labradorable!. Want your doggo to look just as cute as our models… head over to our pet accessory shop now!